CAC Georgia: What We Do
The majority of CACGA’s professional work product is designed to provide direct services to our Georgia CAC throughout the state. However, a critical corollary is to provide direct services and support to those Georgia communities that seek to establish a CAC within their judicial circuit, by working with the base of stakeholders who will ultimately become active as multidisciplinary team members.
We provide a rich assortment of technical assistance and state-of-the-art training opportunities for local CACs, their Board Members, their multidisciplinary team members at such trainings as our annual Medical and Mental Health Summits and our World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse conference, held annually in November. All the while, CACGA staff and member center professionals successfully take a national leadership role with other state networks, with the National Children’s Advocacy Center, the National Children’s Alliance, and other like-minded organizations. This, in turn, provides additional professional opportunities for all of its member Centers.
CACGA believes access to strong, local children’s advocacy centers will provide child victims and their non-offending family members with the unique services they need to begin their journey toward hope, justice and healing.
CACGA believes that success in the fight against child abuse requires ongoing evaluation of current efforts and exploration of new, more effective ways to perform the work that we do.
And CACGA believes that the eradication of child abuse from our society begins with building informed and empowered communities that stand ready to embrace this issue with courage and conviction. We will continue to provide direct services to support Centers as they serve as their community’s focal point for promoting higher levels of public awareness and understanding that no community is immune from child abuse, but with a coordinated and professional response that is the centerpiece of the CAC model, we can offer hope and healing to children and families throughout Georgia.