The Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia, Inc. is Georgia’s statewide membership association of 46 local children’s advocacy centers. CACGA was formed in 1992, incorporated in 1994, and as an accredited chapter of the National Children’s Alliance, is one of the leading state children’s advocacy networks in the United States.
Our mission is to provide direct services to local CACs and Georgia communities in order to promote, assist, and support the development, growth, and continuation of children’s advocacy centers in the state of Georgia. Our primary role is providing a variety of critical direct services to its CACs in Georgia in the form of training, mentoring, consulting, compiling information for statistical and research purposes, and helping prepare local CAC professionals to be able to function appropriately, professionally and successfully in the legal criminal and civil justice systems.
For more than 20 years, CACGA has been providing training, technical assistance and support to CACs in Georgia as well as outreach and assistance to communities working to establish a Children’s Advocacy Center in their area. CACGA continues to respond to the needs of existing CACs and seeks strategies to develop new Centers.
The payoff is extraordinary: In local communities throughout Georgia, dedicated professionals are effectively responding to child abuse issues as teams, while being supported by committed and visionary boards of directors, volunteers, funders, and private and governmental partners.