CSEC Response Team
The mission of the Children’s Advocacy Centers of Georgia (CACGA) Commercial Sexual Exploitation Response (CSEC) Team is to serve as the central point of contact for victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) and the agencies that support them, for a more coordinated and effective system response to commercial sexual exploitation.
As the CSEC Response provider for the state of Georgia, the CSEC Response Team of CACGA was determined by a competitive grant application process in 2020. This process was reviewed by child welfare partners including the Department of Family and Children Services, the Department of Juvenile Justice, and Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). The CSEC Response Team of CACGA is supported by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) and endorsed by Governor Kemp and the 1st Lady.
Our Response Team provides direct services for victims in the form of assessment, intensive case management, and advocacy; and facilitate training and outreach to help build infrastructure and community capacity.
We are the State of Georgia’s Recognized Enhanced Collaborative Model for responding to Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.

How to Help
To report suspected or disclosed child sex trafficking, please use one of the options found on our referral page.